Our Programmes

Training Programmes


  1. Foundations for Finance (Flagship Programme!)

We believe everyone needs to be equipped with essential financial life skills. Without which, they may fall into the lures of consumerism and spend unwisely, even chalking up debts that will cause bankruptcy. We have witnessed many such cases.

Therefore we designed this programme to empower people to take charge of their finances and be financially intelligent. They will learn about increasing their cash flow, smart budgeting, effortless saving, reducing debts, growing their savings, and achieve all their financial goals!

We have conducted numerous sessions with schools, polytechnics, universities, companies and various organizations. Our participants enjoyed our programmes and found it engaging, interactive and practical. They learnt many valuable financial life skills that will help them be financially secure and successful!

Do email connect@aarongrahamtay.com to organize a session for your company TODAY!


  1. Understand and Using CPF effectively

As Singapore develops into a modern city, our Central Provident Fund (CPF) is also increasingly becoming more complex and sophisticated. With the recent introduction of Medishield Life, CPF Life in the last few years, and the public discussions about the Minimum Sum Scheme, many citizens are confused and are overwhelmed about the uses of CPF. Some of their burning questions may include:

  • Which CPF Life plan is the most appropriate for me?
  • How much can I withdraw at age 55?
  • What percentage of my CPF balance can I withdraw at age 55?
  • How can I maximise my CPF for property ownership?
  • Do I need integrated Shield plans now that I have Medishield Life?
  • Can Medishield Life cover me for pre-existing illnesses?
  • What are the restrictions regarding the use of my CPF for investments?
  • How do I use CPF to finance my children to university?
  • Under what circumstance can I withdraw all my CPF?
  • What is the difference between SRS, CPFSA & CPFOA?
  • Do I need to repay CPF with interest if I sell away my property?

This workshop aims to help individuals understand the CPF system in its essence and entirety. It focuses on the significant aspects of CPF and how you can maximise the use of CPF for you and your family’s benefit and wellbeing.


  1. Value Investing Strategies

Value Investing programme is a course designed to train individuals on the skills of investing developed by Benjamin Graham, the “Father of Value Investing”. One of Benjamin Graham’s most famous disciples is Warren Buffet, one of the richest investors in the world.

In this programme, we will learn and develop skills to analyze companies and determine a value for an investment decision. Do read http://aarongrahamtay.com/the-value-of-value-investing/ and http://aarongrahamtay.com/the-value-of-value-investing-part-2/ to understand more about what will be covered in this workshop!


  1. The Truth about Money – New!

You may think that our modern money and financial system started in ancient days and will carry on perpetually. In fact, our financial system only came about the last 500 years in the 1500s. Will our financial system last for another 500 years? Or will it even last for the next 50 years?

In this module, we will explore how our modern money came about and how it operates. Your assumptions of how money works will be challenged and you will be probed to think deeper about your financial beliefs and lifestyle. The goal of this course is to help individuals renew their mindsets about money habits and prepare for the future.


  1. How can we save our financial system? – New!

As parents, we would like our children and our future generations to live in a world better than it is now. In order to do so, we need to understand and foresee issues in the future and take steps now to prepare for it.

Our current financial system is termed as a “New Normal”. It means interest rates are at perpetual low levels, and real growth rates are declining. Major economies are saddled with debt. How can we survive and thrive in the new economy?

This talk will share about the current issues of the system and what can we do practically as individuals to prepare and prosper in the future for our families.


  1. “Beating the Odds” – Value of Resilience

“I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs, but how high he bounces when he hits bottom” – General George Patton

People who exhibit the value of Resilience in their work and personal life are generally more successful in the long term.

At the age of 8, Aaron Tay went through numerous trials and challenges in life. Never giving up or giving in, he learnt the value of resilience and overcame all his challenges and emerged successful as a businessman. He wrote a book on his life story and went on to motivate many people to overcome their own limitations to achieve success. Using his principles based on his life experience, Aaron trained many students, corporate executives, and entrepreneurs, how to set goals and see results.

In this programme, you are going to learn skills to achieve success in every area of your life! You need to attend if:

  • You want a breakthrough in your life and overcome your limitations.
  • You want to advance in your career and fulfill your potential
  • You want to overcome your fears, negative beliefs and procrastination.
  • You feel like giving up in pursuing your dreams, and want to regain the passion and drive in your life.
  • You desire to develop your confidence and self belief to achieve an important goal in your life!


Do email connect@aarongrahamtay.com to organize the above sessions for your company TODAY!